Cabin Rental

Three rate categories described below

Recreational Rates

Individuals and families who simply want to get away from the busyness of life and enjoy a time of making memories in the midst of awe inspiring creation! Whether family vacation, church small group, or retreat, we would love to host your next event!

Non-Profit Leader Rates

Individuals and families who qualify for the non-profit rate are those who’s primary job is serving others in the church and non-profit space. The Refuge is here to support those who support others.

Restoration Rates

For individuals and families in need of restoration due to trauma or caregiving service. Including; Military, Police, Fire and Emergency personnel; those who have recently suffered loss of loved one or are experiencing long term illness; victims of crime and long-term caregivers.

Additional Offerings.


Private Camping

The Refuge has several private camping spots available for you to rent.

Horse Trails

Bring YOUR trusty steed and access miles of private mountain trails. ($50/half-day also available.)

Request Info

Request info and prospective dates, based on availability and capacity.